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منابع انگلیسى

زمان مطالعه: < 1 دقیقه

140- A. R. H-the new encyclopedia britanica ,V.usa , 1974

141- Cambridge, The History of Islam, The central Islamic lands. at the university press 1970

142- Encyclopedia of Islam. Ej. Brill. Leiden. New york. Robenhavn koln 1987.

143- Hourani, A. H. syria and lebanon a political essay. oxford university press 1986.

144- Longrig, stephen hemsley. syria and Lebanon under trench mondate. oxford university press 1968.

145- Muir, William. The caliphate its, Decline and fall. london, 1891.

146- Well housen, julius, The Arab Kingdom and its fall. london, cuzen pren 1973.